Use of Post-it-Notes within an EPA or at an ESD Workstation

OK Forum members… would like your thoughts.

Do you allow the use of paper products, (especially post-it-notes) with in your EPA? If you do or do not, lets discuss the technical reasons why you do or do not? (Technical responses preferred)

This should be fun!

I would typically allow normal paper products to be present in EPAs since they are hygroscopic and usually measures within the static dissipative range. I would not allow ESDS items to be placed on paper or come into contact with paper during storage. In other words, any processing routing sheets would be placed in a separate pocket or other location outside of the ESD bag or tote box. Paper tags in hot or dry environments will tribo-charge and this needs to be accounted for, if a concern.

Thanks Dave!.

That is typically my approach as well… It has been my observation over the years that some 2nd and 3rd party auditors (with limited statics knowlege) make a huge deal about it saying that allowing paper of any kind is an ISO violation of the protection of product paragraph. Well, my responses is… it depends… If, as you say, paper is properly accounted for and used properly, then maybe not as much of a threat.!!!

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Thanks MattS

I solved this problem with an Orange ESD Folder. All notices been putted in that folder and they can stay on the desk, just to avoid unnecessary questions.

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Thank you Khassam,

sounds like a good solution!