Training adequacy

Hello experts

7.2…“The training plan shall include the methods used…to verity… training adequacy”

Can it be the same written test result? or should it be hands-on training result necessarily? or there are other ways? (maybe based on audit results? or any other program checks on ESD without findings?)…

Thank you

Any way that the training can be verified is acceptable. While a written test is the most common, the user can define the requirements. There needs to be objective evidence (a record) that this was accomplished.

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Dear John,
is it the training adequacy pertains to the training material? is if adequate and still updated based on existing control? in my understanding, assessment is to verify the training comprehension that is why adequacy if for the training material. can you please clarify.

From an assessor’s point of view, the training comprehension is really in two parts. The first is did the person understand the training. This is usually accomplished by a test or quiz. Other techniques that can work are verbal interviews, observation of the person doing thier work or another method that can generate a record.
The second way is by observation of the personnel. If everybody is doing what they were trained to do, then the training was complete and understood. If one person is not doing what they are trained to do, that one person may not understand. That could be for many reasons.
If the majority of the personnel are not doing what they were trained to do, then the comprehension of the training or the training itself would questioned.


Dear John,
thank you for your reply, in the standard is says “trainee comprehension and training adequacy”, what you have stated can suffice both requirements? please to know your advise.

thank you.

Yes, what I have stated will fufil the requirements in the standard.

thank you very much John for the clarification.