Hello: We are reviewing the Product Qualification Report that the manufacturer of the flooring we installed sent us.
We saw that ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 in the last paragraph of section 7.3 says “Product qualification shall be completed for each footwear and flooring type combination used by the Organization”. For your reference, as a personal grounding method we use heel straps.
The supplier’s report does not cover this requirement, the report is from 2020; we would like to ask the manufacturer of the flooring to add a sentence to the report to cover the requirement of this paragraph, but we are having a debate on whether this paragraph refers to one of these options:
- The type of material the heel straps we use were made of
- The brand of heel pads we use
Please confirm that a Product Qualification report must be added to comply with the last paragraph of section 7.3 of the standard.
In addition to the above, we contacted the manufacturer of the sole to confirm which grounding method they used in their Product Qualification Test; they comment that the test was done only with Sole grounders (covering the entire bottom of the shoe) and that complying with the standard with this footwear system, and that also guarantees the proper functioning of the flooring when we are using heel pads. Is that correct?
Beforehand, thanks for your help with these two doubts, and we looked forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards