Hello experts.
I am struggling to get ionizers (bar and benchtop) that have a certificate/report regarding product qualification. Any brand/supplier you could recommend? I am in Mexico.
If you could not obtain this evidence from a supplier, what option do you consider most viable to comply with the administrative part of “Product Qualification”?
This is an excellent topic, as I too have recently went down this same path. I have contacted both SCS and SIMCO as well as others and have yet to find a single supplier that can actually provide evidence of meeting the “entire” qualification method. Even those that state they meet it, have not actually provided all the data required per the standard. So to answer your question, there are really only three options available. 1) Create a tailoring statement within your control document as to not meeting the qualification requirements for ionizers. 2) Conduct all of the test requirements yourself 3) Utilize an outside lab to conduct all the testing for you.
I do believe given time and the request from us the consumer for the detail, they will eventually have the data. The question is, can we afford to wait for that time?
I really hope someone has a supplier that actually complies, but based on what I have found thus far. Many think they do… but when asked to produce “all” of the requirements, they fall short.
Chris S
Thanks for your answer. As you said, for some control elements it is practically impossible to find suppliers that meet this requirements. Hopefully, they will soon be able to fully comply.
Buen dia
Este problema me encontré al momento de elaborar la revisión de la calificación del producto de los ionizadores, este fue el seguimiento.
1.busqueda de ionizadores de marca ya reconocida (SIMCO, DESCO)
2.Se opto por enviar una muestra a un laboratorio independiente certificado con la Asociación ESD.
(Laboratorios Stromlab, https://www.stromlab.com/, Zapopan Industrial Norte, Zapopan, 45190)
3.Despues de 15 días del envió se elaboro el pago correspondiente y nos enviaron la muestra y el certificado que cumple con la tabla #3 de ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 y el método ANSI/ESD STM3.1.
espero les ayude estos datos, saludos
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