Pregunta tecnica empaque

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pregunta tecnica
incumple con ansi ESD S20.20-2021 utilizar dentro de una area designada como segura, una caja trasportadora abierta con resistencia 3.6 x 10³ Ω sin piso ESD?

Captura caja conductiva


Sorry, but I don’t speak Spanish but I think you are asking if within an ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 ESD protection area (EPA), you can use an open transport box with resistance 3.6 x 10^3 ohms without an ESD floor?

If that is correct, then you should be fine as long as you are using either wrist straps or the groundable static control garment system as your means for personnel grounding and that your transport box is placed on a worksurface or storage rack with a resistance to ground (RTG) of < 10^9 ohms when it is not being handled in the EPA. If you are placing the transport box on a non-ESD floor (>10^9 ohms RTG), then this would not be acceptable to the standard.

Thank you, the support from you and the page is very helpful.
excellent day.