Buen dia
En la norma ansi 2014 21 en el punton 6.3 adaptacion, menciona que partes de este, pueden no aplicarse a todos los programas de control de ESD. Cualquier desviación o exclusión de un requisito de este documento se considera adaptación.
En el requisito de la verificacion de cumplimiento si no verifico uno de los puntos como por ejemplo tapetes de piso, carritos o estantes.
Tengo que elaborar una adaptacion si no cumplo con una de estas verificaciones (tapetes de piso, carritos o estantes)?
From what I understand, you do not check some items, such as floors, mats, carts or shelves and would like to know if you need to document an exception, as in tailoring.
This would be hard to answer without knowing your process. For example, the floor. If the floor is used to ground people or any ESD control items, then the floor would have to be tested. However, if the floor is not part of the ESD control program, and people are grounded with wrist straps, carts only have ESD sensitive items in protective packaging, then the floor is not part of the ESD control program and does not need to be tested. It does not need to be documented either.
Another example is shelves. If they do not store any ESD sensitive items, they do not need to be tested.
If you have any other questions or need some more clarification, please feel free to ask.
En nuestra plana el piso no esta documentado en el plan de verificacion entonces los estantes no se miden.
El piso y el estante los tenemos en una nota como una excepcion.
La pregunta es; debo elaborar una adaptacion para estos articulos?
If you use the floor and shelves as part of your ESD control program you cannot exclude them unless there is a technical reason. If they are not part of your ESD control program then an exception is not needed.
For example, if you use your floor for grounding, it needs to be tested. You cannot exclude it. If you don’t use your floor for grounding, then it does not need to be documented. The same for the shelves. If you use the shelves to store ESD sensitive items, they need to be part of you ESD control program and tested. If you store ESD sensitive items in protective packaging, such as an ESD Shielding bag, then the shelf is not part of you ESD control program and does not need an exception .
Buen dia
Saludos cordiales, tengo una duda similar, No tenemos piso esd en el 90% de la planta y todos los componentes ESDS se transportan y almacenan en contenedores disipantes dentro del area EPA como se aprecia en las imagenes y no tenemos documentado la verificacion de carros y estantes.
la pregunata es, cumplimos con ANSI ESD 20.20-2021 en una auditoria externa?
From the information that you supplied, I can’t say if you do or do not comply with ANSI/ESD S20.20. First of all, there is more to 20.20 then just the floor. A floor is not a requirement. The requirements are defined grounding, personnel grounding, handling of ESD sensitive items at a defined areas, often called Electrostatic Protected Areas (EPA) and how the ESD sensitive items are taken from one EPA to another. What packaging is used for transport. And of course all the other administrative processes to consider.