ITAR products include in the scope of my certification

Good Mornings ESD Experts:
We are an EMS company soon with an ITAR product, can you help me to know what requirement I will need to meet to include it in the scope of our ANSI ESD20.20 2021 certification?

Best Regards


I don’t know of any specific ANSI/ESD S20.20 requirements that need to be met specifically for an ITAR product.
The only part of ANSI/S20.20 that deals specifically with the US DoD is section 8.4.1 which states “Department of Defense (DoD) organizations or those performing work under DoD contracts shall comply with MIL-STD-2073-1 for packaging requirements unless other contractual requirements apply or are exempt from this requirement based upon application-specific requirements.”

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As Andy has stated, there are no additional requirements for ITAR products. In fact, the Department of Defense has adopted ANSI/ESD S20.20 as the standard for an ESD control process and has canceled Mil-STD-1686.

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Thank you so much for your quickly response. is there any checklist to make internal assessment of the requirements on the MIL-STD 2073-1?

Bes Regards

There is no checklist for MIL-STD 2073-1 but the standard can be downloaded from the Assist database. Use this link to access,

This is a detailed standard with many requirements.

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One last comment… Even though the MIL-STD has been replaced with S20.20, you still must insure what your customer calls out for their product. We have many ITAR products and some only define the MIL-STD as their documentation was never updated to reflect the change to S20.20.



Thank you so much for share the link. I really appreciate the access to the requirements of the standard.

Responding late to this, but for ITAR controlled products any applicable standards will be contract specific. As John mentioned in previous post S20.20 has been adopted by the DoD and so from a protection standpoint of the product was processed under those protections you are fine. As also mentioned, there are MIL packaging requirements that would be necessary along with marking requirements (MIL 129) I believe.

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