Floor mats - Is it flooring?

Hello experts,

Is it a ESD floor mat considered flooring? if not and its not in my program, should I do compliance verification on these just to check when they need to be replaced? (But not for the program), or how would it works?

Thank you


If you are using an ESD floor mat in conjunction with ESD shoes for personnel grounding, then the mat would need to be qualified per ANSI/ESD STM97.1 and 97.2 with all footwear types used in the EPA as well as meet the qualification requirements in table 3 of ANSI/ESD S20.20 (per ANSI/ESD STM7.1). The floor mat would also need compliance verification done per ESD TR53.

If the mat is not part of your ESD program because you have a different means of personnel grounding (like a wrist strap) and you aren’t using it in combination with ESD footwear, then there would be no need to qualify it or do compliance verification unless you choose to. Thanks

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Thanks Andy! so, question:

So, in this case, there’s a floor mat on top of an ESD floor (just for comfort while being on standing operations).

In my understanding if the operator is connected via wrist strap there’s no need, but if not, there’s need since there’s a system connection footwear/mat_floor, right?



You are correct but you do need to be careful if the operators are using wrist straps for personnel grounding on a non-tested ESD mat. The process would need to be robust enough to ensure personnel don’t carry ESDS items as they walk over the mat or touch ESDS items without wearing a wrist strap.

Remember, your ESD program is to reduce the risk of ESD damaging your product. If there is a risk that someone could handle ESDS items on the untested ESD mat, it would be better to ensure the product qualification and compliance verification requirements are met in ANSI/ESD S20.20

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Thanks Andy,

Yes, in this case the mat is ESD compliant with STM7.1. In this scenario, I would have to make 2 product qualification for flooring/footwear system (with and without floor mat [within a qualified floor]) for qualification, correct me if I’m wrong please.


I assume the floor without the mat has already been qualified to ANSI/ESD STM97.1 and 97.2 with all footwear types used in the EPA. If not, this would need to be done. Then you would also need to qualify the ESD mat to ANSI/ESD STM97.1 and 97.2 for all footwear. Usually, these tests are done in a lab but you can do them, per ANSI/ESD S20.20, in the facility at its lowest annual humidity. You should use a separate ground cord from the ESD mat to ground so you don’t have to reply on the contact between the mat and the floor. Thanks

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Thanks a lot AndyN!, thats100% helpful! :clap:t3: