Drag chains vs Grounding cables

Currently we are using grounding cables to ground units when we move them.

we wanted to get rid of the grounding cables and use drag chains.

we did testing with a couple of 1 megohm Drag chain attached to the framed custom fixture on an ESD floor and the test results are good.

Do you see any issues/concerns I’m not seeing why this isn’t a good idea?



Your methodolgy is sound. There will be opinions on the effectivness of drag chains and how bad they may be. Determine what works with your floor and continue to measure the resistance to ensure that they continue to work. You may find that they need to be cleaned on a peridic basis, you may find you need another type of chain, maybe heavier and longer.

As long as you continue to ensure that the carts can be measured to ground, then the idea is a good one.


I have not had much success with drag chains, but as John mentioned if maintained properly and you have a robust compliance verication measurement plan, you may have good success.

For me, I have had good success with installing conductive casters (wheels) on my mobile carts. I have found they give better more consistent contact with my floors.

Just a thought

Thanks for you expertise!

Thanks for you expertise and suggestion!

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