Advice on ESD Prevention Measures for Sensitive Electronics


I’m currently working on a project involving sensitive electronics, and I’m looking to improve our ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) prevention measures. As I am new to this field, I need some advice from the community.

I’m interested in learning about:

  • Best practices for setting up an ESD-safe workspace to protect sensitive electronic c omponents.

  • Recommended ESD prevention tools and equipment for handling electronics safely.

  • Strategies for educating team members on ESD risks and promoting safe handling practices.

  • Any recent innovations in ESD prevention technology …

If you have experience in ESD prevention, I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide to help me improve our ESD mitigation efforts.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,


The ESDA offers many resources to help educate on ESD prevention in the factory. The best place to start would be to go to the ESDA website section on education and training (EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Training & Education | EOS/ESD Association, Inc.). There you will see how to access the ESDA Online Acadamy where you could purchase on-line courses such as ESD Basics and How To’s of In-Plant ESD Auditing as well as many others. There is also a link to the Operator Training Course which would offer a basic overview of ESD Controls. There are many other resources on the website as well. If you are interested in any specific topics you could search the website or ask in this forum.
If you would prefer in-person training and information, you could look at the events page (EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Events | EOS/ESD Association, Inc.). The upcoming ESD Symposium in September would have the most offerings to learn about ESD, give you an opportunity to talk to many others in the ESD field, and learn the latest innovations in ESD prevention technology. You could also consider attending the TR53 certification course which teaches how to do the required periodic compliance verification measurements of ESD control items in the factory. Hope this helps


Thank you so much for the detailed response and the helpful resources! I will definitely check out the ESDA website and explore the education and training section , as well as the online courses you mentioned. The Operator Training Course sounds like a great starting point for my team.

The upcoming ESD Symposium in September also sounds like an excellent opportunity to learn more and connect with others in the field. I’ll look into attending (EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Events | EOS/ESD Association, Inc.mulesoft) and possibly enrolling in the TR53 certification course for compliance verification.

I appreciate your guidance and am excited to enhance our ESD prevention measures with these resources.

Thank you